If you want children to eat vegetables, don’t tell them they’re evil

The Guardian – Claire Potter

Never tell, encourage, pester or bribe your children to eat vegetables. If you do, you’re simply inviting them into a power battle. You may get a mouthful of sweetcorn or a few pieces of carrot inside them, but it’s a short-term fix. Instead, just put the vegetables on their plates and act as if you couldn’t care less whether they eat them or not. When you make a child eat vegetables, they perceive you as the winner and them as the loser, so when they have the freedom to choose whether to eat them or not, they will generally choose to win by not eating them. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/shortcuts/2019/jan/29/children-eat-vegetables-eat-them-to-defeat-them-tv-ad-campaign-veggies-villains-kids