How To Build Up Your Kid’s Immune System

The Cleveland Clinic – Staff Writer

When your kids are starting a new school year and heading back to the classroom, immunity is always a big concern for parents as cold and flu season looms ahead.

With COVID-19 still circulating this fall, getting vaccinated and following guidelines for good health hygiene are a start.

But kids and toddlers still need certain nutrients and vitamins to help boost their immune systems to aid in protecting against all the other germs they’ll face, either in the classroom or at home.

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Meditation holds the potential to help treat children suffering from traumas, difficult diagnoses or other stressors

Medical X-Press – Hilary A. Marusak

Children actively meditating experience lower activity in parts of the brain involved in rumination, mind-wandering and depression, our team found in the first brain-imaging study of young people under 18 years old. Over-activity in this collection of brain regions, known as the default mode network, is thought to be involved in the generation of negative self-directed thoughts—such as “I am such a failure”—that are prominent in mental disorders like depression.

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Why A Sensory Diet Is Good For All Kids, Not Just Those With Special Needs

Moms – Sarah Zellner

Sensory diets have a wide range of activities. These activities are geared to target the eight sensory systems. Sight, touch, hearing, taste, smell, balance, movement, and feeling. If a child struggles in a particular area, the activities can be adjusted to suit their specific needs. If a child has SPD, an occupational therapist may be involved.

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How A Child’s Immune System Is “Taught” To Decipher Good From Bad

Moms – Jessica Tucker

The amount that kids’ immune systems are paid attention to depends on whether it is cold or flu season. This is because, during the summer, kids are healthy and full of life. It is the wintertime when they can be struck down and contagious with an illness and parents wonder what it is that they can do to strengthen the immune system.

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How parents can keep youth sports fun for kids

CNN – Matt Villano

Author Linda Flanagan tackles this conundrum in her new book, “Take Back the Game: How Money and Mania Are Ruining Kids’ Sports — and Why it Matters.” Flanagan alleges that the $19 billion youth sports industry has gotten out of control, a serious problem considering about 60 million children and teens from ages 6 to 18 participate in organized sports each year, according to the National Council of Youth Sports.

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