‘Ticking time bomb’: Children today will have worse health in old age than their grandparents, report warns

The Daily Mail – Claudia Tanner

“Across the developed world, life expectancy has risen consistently since the 1930s – yet our children’s health is a ‘ticking time bomb’, experts warn. Youngsters will be less healthy than today’s 65 year olds by the time they reach that age, new research claims. The warning comes as the latest NHS figures reveal one in every five children aged 10 to 11 is obese. Lifestyle-related problems such as consuming too much sugar and doing too little exercise are already causing health problems among children, the researchers say. The Economist Intelligence Unit, who directed the research, are calling for action to tackle the crisis. ‘Considering the longer life years that today’s children can expect, it makes sense to focus on health practices that will increase the chances of making those longer life years healthy ones,’ the unit’s research director Aviva Freudmann said.”(more)