Jan 26, 2019
NDTV – Staff Writer
It is natural for parents to protect their children from any harm, including the endless array of germs they are exposed to every day. As children grow up, they are continuously exposed to various germs, especially in places such as daycare centres and preschool. Children with low immunity are highly susceptible to various types of infections. The high incidence of infections has led to an increased and inappropriate use of antibiotics, which has further resulted in antimicrobial resistance. https://www.ndtv.com/health/natural-ways-to-boost-immunity-in-children-1980894
Jan 26, 2019
The National – Staff Writer
All parents want their children to excel in school, both academically and socially. With such successes come professional fulfilment, strong relationships and financial stability later in life. And yet many parents might unwittingly be hindering their child’s development with junk food. As The National has reported, one in three children in the UAE is overweight or obese, a condition with scores of health implications, from heart disease to diabetes. At present, too few parents make the link between poor diet and academic attainment. https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/editorial/a-healthy-diet-provides-the-fuel-for-healthy-grades-1.818368
Jan 25, 2019
Reuters – Carolyn Crist
Video games with a physical activity component could help young children get more exercise during the school day, a small study suggests. Also called “exergaming,” popular games such as “Just Dance for Kids” and “Nickelodeon Fit” prompt kids to move around while they play. The current study found that compared to kids in preschool who played in traditional recess, those who played exergames got significantly more physical activity. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-preschoolers-exergaming/movement-video-games-boost-preschoolers-exercise-idUSKCN1PJ1ZN
Jan 25, 2019
Medical X-Press – Staff Writer
The start of a new year is a ripe time to branch out—and try those fruits and vegetables you may have noticed but keeping passing by at the supermarket. Perhaps the finger-like appendages of a Buddha’s hand have called out. Or you’ve been curious about that one vegetable you don’t know how to pronounce, much less prepare for consumption. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-01-ripe-fruits-vegetables.html
Jan 24, 2019
Kidspot – Cheryl Fingleson
While longer-than-normal sleep ins and a-bit-more-than-usual access to the Playstation has been a wonderful part of the school holidays for most children, the looming school term means that parents need to think about re-setting those little body clocks so that they are primed for the start of the school year. https://www.kidspot.com.au/school/primary/starting-school/sleep-expert-on-how-to-get-your-child-back-into-a-sleep-routine-for-school/news-story/cb1e6fd22e6fb89a01f47b802ff1c934