Nov 27, 2019
The New York Times – Jancee Dunn
If you have a young child, you’ve probably had it drilled into your head that kids thrive on routine. Small wonder that holiday time — with its explosion of cousins, flight delays, late bedtimes and the “fun uncle” who constantly slips your children cookies — can make parents exceedingly tense. But your routines need not be completely disrupted, experts say. As long as you loosely maintain the three pillars of wellness — sleep, food and exercise — during the holidays, you can weather them with minimal meltdowns. “Sometimes it’s not so much about sticking to your home routine as it is about finding a new holiday routine,” said Corinne McDermott, a mother of two and the author of the blog Have Baby Will Travel.
Nov 26, 2019
Moms – Bri Thomas
Next time a snack is needed for a child’s friend group or a school function, consider the 10 that are listed out down below. For the most part and in most cases, they are free of allergens, they are good to go in the classroom, and they are actually tasty and nutritious, which is especially important when trying to please a young crowd!
Nov 26, 2019
Moms – Diane Mtetwa
Before I had a child, I used to be that person that laughed at people with picky kids. Parents who would go to the ends of the earth and back to accommodate their children’s eating whims, exhausting themselves in the process. After I had my daughter and she took to solid foods like a pro, I became even more cocky and judgmental of the people I knew with picky eaters. Then the toddler years hit and my daughter who used to eat any and everything that you put in front of her started to refuse foods before she even tried them. I’m sure I thought it was karma at first; My punishment for being so judgy towards other parents. Almost instantaneously, it felt like my smugness disappeared and I was that person that was caving into to my child’s picky eating and who bent over backward to make sure she ate.
Nov 25, 2019
The South China Morning Post – Sasha Gonzalez
Some children are more susceptible to stress than others, says Dr Lim Boon Leng, a psychiatrist at Dr BL Lim Centre for Psychological Wellness in Singapore. “These include kids who experience persistent abuse or who are chronically stressed, who do not have a stable family structure or who have mental health issues like Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or Autism Spectrum Disorder.”
Nov 25, 2019
Moms – Jayme Kennedy
For adults with vision problems, there are quite a few options for vision correction! We can wear glasses, prescription sunglasses, contact lenses, or even have corrective surgery on our eyes to improve our vision. But for kids, options are pretty limited. And if you’ve ever had a kid who needed to wear glasses, then you know that keeping track of those glasses or keeping them in good condition can be … difficult. However, parents of kids with one specific vision issue just got some really good news! The FDA has approved the first ever contact lens for kids, specifically designed to slow the progression of a common childhood vision problem. Kids who suffer from nearsightedness now have the option of wearing these contact lenses for kids. Here’s everything you need to know about this breakthrough in pediatric vision correction.