Nov 25, 2021
Moms – Ashley Wehrli
It seems like the summer months went by way too fast, and now families are facing the winter months again. Winter is some people’s favorite season because it means skating, skiing and some of the best holidays. However, it can also be a nightmare for a lot of families. Some families feel like they are stuck inside too much during the chilly months, and they feel like they can’t take their children out as much. This means that ‘cabin fever’ can start to set in and this can be hard on anyone’s mental health.
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Nov 25, 2021
The Conversation – Tracy Burrows and Megan Whatnall
For many of us, eating particular foods can be comforting: a pick-me-up during a hard task; a reward after a long day at work; a satiating end to a lovely dinner. But some people have a compulsive and uncontrolled urge to eat particular foods, especially hyper-palatable “junk” foods. This can impact on their day-to-day functioning, and their ability to fulfil social, work or family roles.
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Nov 24, 2021
Moms – Megan Glosson
Have you ever noticed that your child bumps into objects or has trouble with simple actions like tossing a ball to a friend? You’ve probably brushed these small things off as clumsiness or fine motor deficits and nothing more. After all, don’t we all have coordination issues from time to time?
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Nov 24, 2021
Moms – Ashley Wehrli
Studies are showing that there is no strong link between a child’s use of screen time and their ability to pay attention later in life. There has been a notable increase in the amount of screen time that children have been getting. Part of the blame can fall on the pandemic, but this is a modern world, and technology and screens are all around us. This means that parents are concerned about the effects this amount of screen time could have on children, and studies are constantly being done to look at just what the impact is.
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Nov 23, 2021
Moms – Megan Glosson
The world is not the same as it was 25 years ago — we all know that. Unfortunately, the world also isn’t the same as it was when we were kids, and our own children are suffering the consequences. Conditions like chronic stress and mental health crises are impacting today’s children at alarming rates, and many parents worry about their kids’ physical and mental health.
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