Jan 21, 2022
The Conversation – Neema Ghorbani Mojarrad and Sophie Coverdale
We’ve known for years now that rates of short-sightedness (scientifically known as myopia) are rising globally. Some estimates even suggest that half of the world’s population will be short-sighted by 2050. In the UK and Europe alone, rates of short-sightedness have doubled in the last 50 years.
Read More: https://theconversation.com/short-sightedness-is-on-the-rise-in-both-children-and-adults-new-study-175116
Jan 21, 2022
Moms – Ashley Wehrli
A new study has found that pandemic family stress is leading to some sleep problems in young boys. COVID-19 came and changed the way almost every single family operated. It has been almost 2 years since a pandemic was officially declared, and families are still trying to find ways to cope with public health guidelines and the increased worry about the health and safety of their families. Even if parents have tried hard to make sure their children’s lives were impacted as little as possible, children can feed off their parents’ stress level, and this can lead to a whole household that is carrying a level of pandemic stress.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/pandemic-family-stress-leading-to-sleep-problems-in-boys/
Jan 20, 2022
Moms – Jessica Tucker
Kids, by and large, are eating too much sugar today. While it is easy to remove the obvious sugar-laden treats, many forget that pre-packaged foods, even those that claim to be healthy, are full of sugar as well. Because of this, kids continue to have more than the recommended amount of added sugar to their diets. This excess of sugar consumption is easy to do, given that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that kids do not exceed more than 25 grams or six teaspoons of sugar daily. And while parents likely realize that their kids are eating more than this recommended sugar amount daily, they may not recognize the signs as to when their kids are eating too much sugar in general.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/signs-kids-eating-too-much-sugar/
Jan 20, 2022
Medical X-Press – Wayne Deeker
Children and adolescents tend to have more mild disease compared to adults if they catch the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, but they are still struggling to cope with the pandemic. Curfews, closures, and lockdowns are taking their toll on their emotional wellbeing.
Read More: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-01-covid-effects-pandemic-youth-mental.html
Jan 19, 2022
Moms – Jessica Tucker
When young kids ask to wear contact lenses instead of their glasses, parents may have a knee-jerk reaction to say “no” until they are older. With the thought of eye infections and lost contact lenses flashing through their brains, it is understandable that parents may think that their kids are not ready to put the lenses into their eyes. However, there comes a time when kids will be able to wear contact lenses and that time is not based on age. It is based upon each individual personality of kids.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/age-kids-get-contact-lenses/