Aug 26, 2020
The Conversation – Ruth Robson
Studying the link between behaviour or events in childhood and later-life development of MS is complex. MS is an auto-immune disease of the central nervous system which affects around one in every 500 people. This means that a large number of people need to be studied from a young age to get an accurate picture of the effect of changes in behaviour or lifestyle on the risk of MS in adulthood.
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Aug 26, 2020
Medical X-Press – Staff Writer
A lot of kids have been pushing up the scale numbers while home during the pandemic—and parents need to take steps to prevent the dreaded “quarantine 15,” an expert says. “During the school year, most parents rely on schools to provide their child with regular exercise,” said Dr. Joyce Samuel, an associate professor of pediatrics at McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).
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Aug 25, 2020
The Conversation – Lindsay Bottoms
While many of us may remember skipping as something we did as children, the pastime has regained popularity during the pandemic as a way of keeping fit. Not only is jumping rope a fun, affordable and portable form of exercise, it also has many benefits for our health and fitness. Here are just a few reason why jumping rope is such a good form of exercise:
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Aug 25, 2020
Moms – Leena Nasir
Kids are notorious for spending too much time in front of their screens, whether that be phones, or iPads, tablets, televisions, or other devices. That was true well before the pandemic hit and forced many of us to take on the added screen time that remote learning brings. Now, more than ever, the health of our children’s eyes is a topic of focus, as screen time seems to be on the rise, and there’s not much we can do to avoid it. However, there’s a lot we can do to prevent an unnecessary trip to the eye doctor!
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Aug 24, 2020
Psychology Today – Susan Albers Psy.D.
A study in the journal Appetite reviewed 120 experimental studies to examine a variety of approaches to find out what works best. They included overt strategies (the child is aware you are trying to get them to eat it) and covert strategies (like purchasing only certain foods).
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